
Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Okay, that's kinda creepy.

Assalamualaikum and may ALLAH bless all Muslims.
Thanks for dropping by.. n_n

Have you ever faced something creepy, for example, 
you and your friend always share same thoughts, same likes and dislikes, etc?
This thing happens to me...
I don't want to say it's creepy but to be honest, it is.

I have a friend, and she can be said my best.
Yesterday, I went out for outing with her.
After buying some things, we went to the food court to have our lunch.
The creepy thing here was - we ordered the same food.
We didn't discuss; in fact, when she ordered her food, I wasn't there.
I was buying my drink.
I know, in your mind, it's nothing but the thing is, 
Each of us bought two different menus, one to eat there and another one was a take-away.
Both of us chose the same food to buy.
The possibility for us to be same in choosing two kinds of food is kinda low because
there were about 50 types of food and yet, we both ordered the same food?
What d'ya think my respected readers?

Maybe it was just a coincidence, maybe it just happened.
Who knows?

Till we meet again.. Assalamualaikum.. n_n